10% discount for bookings of 7 days or more A prepayment of 1 day is required - at the time of booking or no later than 2 days before arrival
20% discount for bookings of 30 days or more A prepayment of 1 day is required - at the time of booking or no later than 2 days before arrival
{ "addresses": [ { "latitude":"55.779281", "longitude":"37.700438", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Большая Почтовая ул., д.30с1,к.11" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Большая Почтовая ул., д.30с1,к.11" } ,{ "latitude":"55.803828", "longitude":"37.591005", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, ул.Новодмитровская,д.2,к.5" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, ул.Новодмитровская,д.2,к.5" } ,{ "latitude":"55.812033", "longitude":"37.485529", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Волоколамское ш.,24" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Волоколамское ш.,24" } ,{ "latitude":"55.821958", "longitude":"37.437571", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Волоколамское ш. д.71/22, к.2" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Волоколамское ш. д.71/22, к.2" } ,{ "latitude":"55.808938", "longitude":"37.578648", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Дмитровский пр-д, д.1" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Дмитровский пр-д, д.1" } ,{ "latitude":"55.788701", "longitude":"37.568695", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Ленинградский пр-кт, 36с36" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Ленинградский пр-кт, 36с36" } ,{ "latitude":"55.840318", "longitude":"37.582807", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Moscow, Botanicheskaya str., 33Bc1" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, Moscow, Botanicheskaya str., 33Bc1" } ,{ "latitude":"55.768338", "longitude":"37.679209", "hintContent": "Moscow, Moscow, ул.Бауманская, д.58/3, стр.2" , "balloonContent": "Moscow, Moscow, ул.Бауманская, д.58/3, стр.2" } ], "iconImageHref": "/img/placemark.png", "iconImageSize": { "width": 64, "height": 64 }, "iconImageOffset": { "x": -32, "y": -64 } }